Pretty colourful bouquet of mixed roses, Tanacetum daisy, sunflower, cornflower, veronica, euhinacea and eustoma tied with hessian ribbon.
Bouquet of warm apricot roses and grasses.
Most of the flowers in this bouquet are West Sussex grown.
Mixed Eucalyptus with classic white Anemone, Ranunculus and Astilbe.
Beauty bouquet of Calla Lily and fragrant Lily of the Valley.
A large variety of Eucalyptus foliage, plump Roses and Ammi.
Delicate dome bouquet of gypsophila.
Pretty willow handbag with a palette of pastels.
Crisp foliage bouquet of mixed Eucalyptus and Sedum.
Pearl handle willow bag with ruffled petals of Ranunculus and delicate Tanacetum daisy.
Foliage hoop with delicate roses, eustoma and sedum.
Fluffy Gypsophila wand with satin ribbon. Willow wands available.
Sunflowers, Cornflowers, Spray Rose and Helichrysums.
Spray Rose, Scabious Seed Head and Bunny Tail.
Ranunculus, Rose, Astilbe and Miscantus White Cloud.
Single Rose and Eucalyptus Parvi.
British Cornflower, Pink Rose and Gypsophila.
Yellow Rose, Variegated Grass and Wax flower.
Top table arrangement.
Circular table arrangement supplied with or without cylinder/candle.
Table scape with a selection of vessels.
Circular dome arrangement.
Top table arrangement.
Tall glass dome arrangement.
Roses and Gypsophila columns.
Mixed variety/part British grown Fireplace arrangement.
Pampas with mixed dried materials.
Pergola arrangement.
Gypsophila Cloud.
Line arrangement.